
Grades 6 - 12

Youth at First Methodists

We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for breakfast, Bible Study, and some games! On Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00 p.m. we have dinner, games, lesson, and small groups. This is a safe space where all are welcome and loved!


Gather: Life is better in community, and we will strive to provide opportunities and safe spaces for youth to make meaningful connection with each other and leaders.

Grow: Each of us is on a journey, and spiritual formation is the central goal of our time together. Learning from each other the principles of Christ-centered teaching is fundamentally important.

Go: We cannot simply come together and learn; we are compelled as Christ-followers to make disciples and serve our community and beyond.


Spiritual Formation: We will not compromise in continuing to learn and grow in our faith journey through teaching and group discussion.

Worship: Worship is a corporate or individual moment of gratitude and reflection, and our gathering times will give the space for those present to engage in Christ-centric celebratory worship.

Outreach: Whether it is a neighboring organization or an international mission, we will show the love of Christ through the gift of serving those around us.


Confirmation is an 8 month program for rising 6th grade students. During this time, they will meet together on Sunday mornings with a group of adult leaders to explore the basic tenets of the Christian faith, and to learn what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.
In April, Confirmands will have the opportunity in a church-wide service to respond to the grace of God available to us, as acknowledged in baptism, and commit to live as a person of faith.

More Information

We are a Safe Sanctuaries Church – As a Christian community of faith committed to ministry to and with children, youth, and vulnerable adults, we pledge to strive to conduct all of our activities and ministries in such a way that assure their safety and spiritual growth.